Welcome to the Girls Rock Radio Uploader for submitting music and other supporting files.

PLEASE READ EVERYTHING to avoid problems, surprises, delays. Thank you!

The use of this page is by invitation only. Submissions received prior to an introduction by you, and an invitation from Girls Rock Radio to use this upload page is strongly discouraged. If you have not yet introduced yourself to Girls Rock Radio, please contact the station prior to using this page.

About the Uploader

This Uploader page has been rewritten (as of July 2015) to include the latest and most secure technologies I could find, and therefore should work in any (current) browser on any operating system. This even includes mobile devices, although I wouldn't actually recommend you try using it that way. If you encounter any problems, please send me a comment using the contact form available on the Help menu. Please include as much detail about what's not working properly as you can.

About the Music You're Uploading

Each track (MP3 file) you upload must conform to these requirements:

Bitrate A constant bitrate (CBR) of 256k or better (IMPORTANT!) Your submission will be denied if your bitrate is variable (VBR) or not at least 256k.
Filename No accented characters, but characters like (){}[]-' are okay. Best format: "ArtistName - TrackTitle.mp3" but I can fix this for you if not uploaded this way. However, please read the next section for more considerations.
MP3 Tags MP3 Tags are informational fields stored inside the file. Stuff like Artist, Title, Album, Year, etc. These do NOT need to be set, I can take care of that for you. If they are set, however, I can easily correct things like your filename if it's not in the "Best format" I mentioned above. But consider this: If your tags are not set and your filenames are something like "track1.mp3" then I will have no way of knowing what the titles of your songs are.


Other Files:

In addition to music files, you can also upload image files (like album art) and document files (like a bio.) These file types are all okay: doc, pdf, zip, jpg, png.

Album Art:

Please Please Please include a copy of your album art with your submission. If your album art is already embedded in your MP3 file, you do not need to upload anything else since I can easily pull the art right from your song files. Otherwise, you have no idea what a pain it is to hunt down album art on the internet! Anything with a minimum size of 160x160 pixels is good.

If you have no idea what the bitrate is of the MP3 files you are about to submit - STOP. DO NOT PROCEED. You must submit MP3 files with a constant bitrate of at least 256k. If that means nothing to you - STOP. DO NOT PROCEED. Instead, mail us an audio CD. Please - do not merely throw caution to the wind and "give it a shot." Nearly HALF of all submissions are denied for this very reason.

All set? Okay, here we go - it's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Step 1 - Fill in the Form

Fill in the requested information in the Music Submission Upload Form below. Required fields are, um, required. You can optionally supply website addreesses so that the audience can find you and maybe purchase your music. If you don't supply a "purchase" link, I'll use your website address for that purpose and hopefully your website will help people buy your music. If you do not provide at least a website link, then the audience will have to resort to searching the web to find you.

Step 2 - Select Files to Submit

You can click the button and use your computer's file browser to select the files on your end that you wish to upload. You can select files one at a time, but it's easier to just select them all. If you make a mistake, use the red X to the right of the filename to remove a file(s) from the list.

Step 3 - Click "Upload Files"

Click the "Upload Submissoin" button, sit back and watch the show. Okay, upload progress bars aren't much of a show, but at least you'll know how it's going. If everything is successful, you're pretty much done. If not, please let me know. Just use the Contact link on the Help menu and let me know what's going on.


[caldera_form id="CF5a73b728eb190"]


Forget Something?
If you need to add a file(s) to your upload, no problem. Just go ahead and use the form again. Simple. (Refresh the page first if there's still stuff left over from your last upoload.)

Next Step

Keep an eye on the Review Queue. Your submission will show up there once I've had a chance to get it into the queue. This is a manual process and Girls Rock Radio gets lots of music submissions, so please forgive me if it takes a while. If you don't see your submission within a couple of weeks, feel free to contact me to check and see if everything's okay. The Review Queue page has additional information on the review process.

THANK YOU for submitting your music for airplay consideration!

A Closing Thought (for now...)

Having your music on Girls Rock Radio is a very cool thing, I'm sure you'd agree. But what if Girls Rock Radio ceases to exist because no one bothers to support it? Looking beyond your music, now and in the future, won't you please consider supporting Girls Rock Radio in everything you do? Without the support of our listeners, and that means the artists we play too, the station cannot grow and evolve. From artists, I would never ask for money, but you have influence over fans and other industry friends who might find Girls Rock Radio support-worthy, both monetarily and with their talent. Please don't sit idly by while the station fails. No good could ever possibly come of that!

Copyright 2006-2020 Girls Rock Radio.
This Internet radio station is licensed to broadcast by SOCAN through TorontoCast.  The stream you listen to originates in Canada.