Thanks for your patience; all is well with the world again. 🙂
Due to a serious problem with a software component on the GRR station computer, I will have to shut down for a period later this evening, central time in the USA. I will be able to bring up the station's standby computer, so disruption should be minimal. There may be a few bumps through the switch over and switch back. Sorry for whatever weirdness this may produce, and thanks for understanding. Maintenance happens, right? And you'll probably be out having a fun Friday evening anyway. 🙂
I'm getting a lot of new followers on Twitter, and I'm finding lots of interesting people to follow.
You're an interesting person, right? Shouldn't we be following each other then?
So head on over to Girls Rock Radio on Twitter and tweet with us soon! 🙂
Also, if you're not already a friend on MySpace and facebook, we'd love to include you on those sites, too. Here's how to find us there:
Girls Rock Radio on MySpace
Girls Rock Radio on facebook