I regret to inform you of the passing of the computer formerly known as Girls Rock Radio.
She began experiencing severe hardware faults early on the morning of Wednesday, April 23. 2014, and later was found un-bootable. A new battery did not revive her. Her video card cooling fan was found totally seized up, and a different video card would not revive her.
I wish I could say this comes as a total surprise, but I've actually feared this day for quite some time. I even put out a call in the hopes the audience would rally and provide "listener support" sufficient to get fresh equipment in here. That simply did not happen. To the couple of you that did try to help, thank you. Unfortunately the raised funds to date have been no where close to enough to replace the equipment.
When will the station be back on the air? Right now, I honestly don't know. I'm just really sad right now, and I'm not sure which way to turn. When there is no money, your options become very few and very limited.